Sunday, April 11, 2010

Color is the new Black!

One of the great things about having done the Make Him Over Hunt #3 is all the free swag that I gathered. A lot of them gave nice jackets, t-shirts and jeans. Oh and I got some kickass shoes from some of the locations too. So after getting all of these cool clothes and buying a few more pieces here and there, I've got a great collection of outfits and accessories.

Now being me, I mostly just wear black and... well more black with perhaps a little bit of red here and there. But damn! Lately I'm just into color.

The other day I put together an aqua teamed outfit, the day after that was red and today is a purple day. Yes, PURPLE! It was suggested by Tess. I wandered around Ravenhurst for a bit today while sporting my purple ensemble but quickly retreated to the comfort of my home in Dragonfly.

I found some cute little mouth accessories for this outfit on SLX. There's two versions and they're pretty cheap. The type of poptart changes by click menu. The chocolate ones have little cute smiley faces on them and the set that I'm wearing in the picture is I guess the regular type. It has hearts, bunny faces, etc. Either way they're both kinda cute.

It's a lazy afternoon for me! I might dress up a little bit later and take some pictures but for now I'm just lazing around watching some TV and pondering what I want to do with the rest of my weekend.

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