Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mad Ninjaz meets Dragonfly.

I worked remote today, got as much done as I could... didn't stop until after midnight. Anyway. So most of the day was spent chilling out. It's a Wednesday so we headed over to the GYC to listen to some tunes but the stream was down so we just hung out for a bit.

Midare looks super smug in this picture where Shock is sitting on his lap. There weren't any pink foxes this time around. I mostly just zoned out on the railing while I caught up on emails. Pesky work.

Afterwards we went hair shopping for a bit with one of Shock's buddies, some spiffy looking stallion. I got some new hair, most of it was fairly inexpensive. Tess came along too and she's got some nice landmarks.

Earlier in the day I was just chilling out at home when I got this message:
[2010/04/21 15:11] Second Life: This region is being moved to a new location. Please take a landmark if you do not already have one and teleport away now. Thank you!

LAWL. I ran for a random shop and just chilled there until I thought it was safe to go back. We didn't actually head back till after the shopping at which point Tess and I donned work clothes and went about trying to make the islands look like they were one land mass at the very least.

I'm having some trouble with the sim-line. There seems to be some phantom reflection of the edge that I can't get rid of. I only see it on part of the land though and Tess couldn't seem to see it at all, so maybe I'm just going crazy?

I still have to work to blend the two land masses together better and rework the YAMA region on dragonfly. I had asked Midare to come and work on the mountain...

I put down a cone to show him the basic size of the mountain and what we needed to have done and gave him some vague direction on what we needed teraformed...

We had a bit of a spat right before logging off SL today as we're butting heads regarding the mountain (not surprising at all). Anyway, I'm going to have to um... do a bulk of the work tomorrow or something.

For now, I go catch a nap.

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